Gifted adult alienation

Alienation: the daily reminder that you’re a gifted adult 

It is hard to find a group of like minds or even a friend or partner when your attitude and way of being are so demanding and so at odds with much of social convention. No wonder you blame yourself, condemning yourself for your inability to ‘just fit in’.

It is hard to fit in with people whose values and intuitive understanding of the world are so very different from your own. As a gifted person you are one of a tiny percentage of the population so it’s appropriate that you should feel left out.

How you come to terms with the challenge of not-belonging has a lot to do with how successfully you manage the next challenge: identity.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you would like to find out more about Dynamic Life Coaching or myself, please use the form below to schedule a free 50-minute introductory session, in-person or by‘phone, Facetime or Skype.


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