Christopher J. Coulson, MAHPP
Christopher J. Coulson
Personal Coach
About Dynamic Life Coaching™ (DLC)
Achievable life improvement
How does it feel?
How does it work?
Integrated theory
The ideal practitioner
Telephone or face-to-face?
Fees & Ethics
DLC Personality Test
DLC Personality Test: Theory
About Dynamic Relationship Coaching™ (DRC)
Create thriving partnerships      
DRC PPA Predisposition Test
DRC PPA Test: Theory
About gifted individuals
Gifted individuals & life coaching
Are you gifted?
The challenges of the gifted
Unique developmental needs
Special potential of the gifted
About my clients
A 'typical' successful client        
Example collaborations
Client testimonials
About myself
Preparation & Qualifications
Debra A. Benton's Q & A
Professional affiliations
Contact me
Your next step
Secure credit card facility

(Short delay possible)
Telephone me:
Toll-free (N. America):
Freephone (from UK):
How demanding individuals can build world-class lives


"By mutual confidence and mutual aid,
 Great deeds are done and great discoveries made."
Alexander Pope: "Homer's Iliad."



Is the pursuit of excellence - even of 'perfection' - fundamental to your sense of wellbeing?

If so, you almost certainly find yourself experiencing self-doubt, loneliness and a constant chatter of self-questioning. Your questions probably concern not only the best way to reach your goals but also the validity of the goals themselves.

Lasting excellence cannot be built on uncertainty. It requires a stable inner self to provide a strong platform to support the courage to innovate, to challenge, to persist in the face of external resistance.

You can build that platform through Dynamic Life Coaching™ (DLC). This is a deep and intensive form of life coaching designed to create an immensely resilient, profound and sustaining inner structure.

DLC was originally designed to satisfy the challenging requirements of the most demanding clients: gifted and talented adults. It is therefore highly effective with all those who demand a powerful resource to support their own unique growth toward excellence.

Making contact

If you want to find out more than this web site contains about this depth form of life coaching, please feel free to contact me via 'phone or email.

I offer a 30-minute exploratory telephone session for you to get to know me and to ask any questions you may have. There is no charge for this. (See: 'Your next step').

If we decide we have the makings of a productive partnership, I can work with you over the telephone almost anywhere in the world. My life coaching clients live in the USA, Europe, South America and Australasia and 'meet' with me over the 'phone every week. I accept credit card payments for easy fee processing.

This site is a dynamic resource and I will be adding more information related to the special issues covered here. If you would like to be advised by email when I make a significant addition, please sign up for 'Dynamic Living™' by entering your email address in the form to the right.

Read on. Enjoy your visit. I hope we may work fruitfully together.


P.S. Check out the possibilities for relationship coaching, too, on the Dynamic Relationship Coaching™ page.

Christopher J. Coulson


Toll-free (N. America): 1-866-761-1392
Freephone (UK): 0800-949-6030
Worldwide: +44-(0)1202-540732

Mailing Address:

89 Commercial Rd, #153,
Bournemouth, BH2 5RR, UK

Privacy-protected email:
(click for form)

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Copyright © 2001-2009 Christopher J. Coulson. Information on this web site may be viewed and downloaded free of charge by individuals seeking coaching, counseling or personal therapy. For all other uses of this web site, prior permission of Christopher J. Coulson is required.