Christopher J. Coulson, UKCP Registered
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Insight into: ENFJ, 'The Actor'

If you are an ENFJ, you share your type with 3-5 percent of the USA population. You have an Intuitive Feeler temperament: the Keirsey 'Idealist'. If typical, you are a people-lover and place the highest importance on relationships, approaching life warmly.

The order of dominance for your different preferences is:

  1. Feeling
  2. Intuition
  3. Sensing
  4. Thinking

As a dominant 'feeler', you will have a strong need to empathize with others and will base your decisions on your own sense of values. You will not be deterred from your decision even if it does not seem entirely 'logical'.

Also check out ESFJ (the other extraverted feeling type) and others close to you in score.

The ENFJ's feeling preference is extraverted, so s/he will gain great pleasure from pleasing others. The auxiliary preference is the introverted one of intuition, so an ENFJ is likely to be interested in working with people with regard to their potential, philosophy and interests rather than their exam grades.

As an extraverted feeling type, the ENFJ values harmonious human contacts above all else.

Armed with warmth and insight, the ENFJ has curiosity about books, theories and academic interests and is often a good communicator. The extraverted application of this is likely to lead them into speaking rather than writing. This type is regarded as a natural leader, though in fields such as the media and politics rather than the military.

The ENFJ likes dealing with possibilities, quickly seeing how others can reframe their lives successfully. Decisions are made based on personal values rather than the bottom line and stable relationships are a key goal.

ENFJs are enthusiastic about promoting personal growth in others, whether as counselor or public relations specialist. S/he is highly sociable and expressive of feelings towards others, but can find conflict and criticism difficult to handle.

As a result, although the ENFJ can generate a great deal of team spirit and enthusiasm, promoting insight and common understanding, s/he can also annoy people by being overbearing, pushing others too hard, and by dangerously ignoring bottom line realities.

Under extreme stress, the ENFJ will tend to fault-finding, excessive behavior of different kinds, and ignoring other's feelings.

Jobs for ENFJs would include:

Media, advertising, entertainer, politician, PR specialist, psychologist, counselor, teacher (humanities), holistic health practitioner, dietician, human resources, travel agent.


Christopher J. Coulson
UKCP Registered


Toll-free (N. America): 1-866-761-1392
Freephone (UK): 0800-949-6030
Worldwide: +44 (0) 1202-540732

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89 Commercial Rd, Ste 153,
Bournemouth BH4 8DA, UK

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